Keep moving – Self-motivation in practice

What exactly is self-motivation? It goes beyond performing tasks; it’s about understanding what drives us. It’s not about seeking validation; it’s an inner fire ignited by our passions. Self-motivation empowers us to persist, seize opportunities, and stay committed to our goals.



Target: Employees
Audience: Team
Workspace: Online, Offline
Duration: 1 day

In this course you will learn how to:

  • identify your own level of motivation
  • gain self-awareness on how to set goals in way that will be self-motivating
  • understand and develop the ability to create energy and positive mindset.

Building Blocks

Find your personal power

Embark on an immersive journey to explore your inner motivation and sources of inspiration. Uncover the means to reignite your motivation, decode inner messages, and construct a vision for a self-driven future.

Maintain motivation and positivity

 From reflective practices that enable consistent self-nurturing to mindfulness exercises that foster a positive mindset, explore methods to maintain an unwavering inner drive.

Embrace lifelong evolution

This section encapsulates your dedication to a lifelong voyage of growth and empowerment, forever propelled by cultivated self-motivation and a positive mindset.

Appreciate why you should pay attention to your level of motivation

In this section, you’ll delve into the pivotal role that self-motivation plays in enhancing your well-being and propelling your success. Acquire techniques to sustain your energy, foster a positive mindset, and confidently navigate challenges.

Know what to do when you can’t find motivation

Gain strategies to gracefully navigate obstacles and setbacks. Learn to bridge the gap between a positive mindset and concrete progress, translating your aspirations into tangible outcomes.

Set goals for lasting motivation

Navigate intrinsic goal-setting that aligns with your personal values. Through introspective exercises, cultivate self-awareness that empowers you to set goals in harmony with your strengths and passions, ultimately generating lasting motivation.

Cultivate sustainable growth habits

Cultivate habits that sustain continuous self-motivation and a positive outlook. Embrace habit-building techniques and draw inspiration from real-life case studies to develop a lifestyle that nurtures inner drive and enthusiasm.